Copaiba Balsam, 5 ml.

Copaifera reticulate

Copaiba oil comes from the resin of an Amazonian tree that is much prized by the indigenous people of the Rain Forest.  It is used both medicinally and spiritually because while healing and nourishing to the skin, it is also uplifting, helping one to overcome unpleasant memories and traumas of the past.  It promotes restful sleep and some experience aphrodisiac type effects.

Mostly, it is used topically to reduce scarring after injuries, to ease muscle spasms, and to disinfect wounds.  It is considered safe for internal use in the treatment of inflammation. It blends well with other aromatic oils.  Try Bergamot and Lime in the daytime and Bergamot and Juniper later in the day.  Lavender and Copaiba also promote relaxation.  To boost immunity, try blending with Clary Sage or Ravintsara.  If you prefer to use Copaiba topically, blend with coconut oil or another favorite, my own being Tamanu Oil.


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